Alternate History Of The Future

Introducing Miha Gantar
CD 5

“It is an ambitious and quite successful sprawl of avant freedom and avant counterpoints with a very spacious total blanket of sound and then a marvelous piano commentary that leaves you wanting more.”

- Grego Applegate Edwards, Gappelgate

01 Dream Sequence No. 5 - Alternate History Of The Future


Maripepa Contreras - oboe

Ben van Gelder - alto saxophone

Mafalda Oliveira - alto saxophone

Gideon Tazelaar - tenor saxophone

Joris Roelofs - bass clarinet

Eric Rojas - bass clarinet 

Marta Vilaça - flute

Peter Mullen - french horn

Bruno Calvo Anillo - trumpet

Alessandro Fongaro - double bass

Tijs Klaassen - double bass

Tristan Renfrow - drums and percussion

Willem Romers - drums and percussion

Miha Gantar - piano

All Music by Miha Gantar

Recorded at POWER SOUND Studio between December 2020 and June 2021 by Paul Pouwer

Produced by Dré A. Hočevar

Assistance to the sound engineer Selma Kalsbeek

Mix and Master by Dave Darlington

Artwork by TRAVASSOS